Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Lust For Power How Politics and Personal Rela Essay Example For Students

The Lust For Power: How Politics and Personal Rela Essay tions Become OneThe Lust For Power: How Politics and Personal Relations Become OneWILLIAM YAOThe stories of the Bible reveal a pattern of ups and downs for thenation of Israel. A period of prosperity, faithfulness and fearing God wouldalmost always be followed by a period of destitution, lawlessness and idolatry. This recurring cycle can be linked to political authority, and the level ofseparation of political authority from other influences. The successfulstruggle for liberation under the leadership of Moses and the glorious conquestof Canaan under Joshua instilled a fresh breeze of hope and a renewed faith inGod in the nation of Israel. Guided by God, the nation of Israel met withunprecedented success as they journeyed to the promised land. During this time,political authority among the Israelites rested in the hands of patriarchs, orprominent members within the tribes. These men were righteous figures ofauthority, chosen by God, to lead His people and to teach His ways. The successthat swept over the Israelites was short-lived, however, and for the next twohundred years the people of Israel struggled against neighboring tribes. Thenew generation of Israelites knew neither the Lord nor what he did for Israel(Judges 2:10). They began to do evil in the eyes of the Lord by worshippingother god s and engaging in various sexual activities. To save His people fromtheir enemies and from their evil ways, God raised up judges to rescue them(Judges 2:16). These so-called judges had the political authority vested inthem to lead the people of Israel and to save them from their sins. Theymobilized the people of Israel against invasions of the tribes all around them. We will write a custom essay on The Lust For Power: How Politics and Personal Rela specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now At this time, the nation of Israel was nothing more than a loose confederationof twelve tribes. Israel had no central authority, which meant no unity, noorganization and no power. During the period of the judges, there was no needfor a central government, because the people of Israel were able to defend theirtribal territories effectively against adjoining peoples. Whenever there was athreat from a neighboring tribe, God sent a judge to lead the Israelites againsttheir enemies. As this era came to an end, however, the Israelites were facedwith a much larger problem the Philistines military threat. As theIsraelites were eliminating all the small powers around them, the Philistines,with their iron implements and organization, were becoming an emergent threat. In order to protect themselves from the looming danger of the Philistine army,the Israelites asked for a king to furnish unification, organization and powerfor the nation of Israel. God granted their request, and Samuel reluctantlyappointed Saul in Gods name. The kings function was to provide leadership andto unify the people against their enemies. However, the responsibilities,powers and privileges that came with kingship overwhelmingly went beyond thescope of politics. The personal relationships between the king and his peoplebecame increasingly involved with government. With the rise of the monarchycame a definite change in political authority. As Israel changed from theperiod of judges to the period of the monarchy, politics and political authoritybecame increasingly associated with personal relationships. In the period ofthe monarchs, the separation between politics and personal matters was no longerdelineated as it was before, and politics and personal relations becameinterrela ted. Whenever the Lord raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge andsaved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived (Judges2:18). God sent judges to lead the Israelites in the process of consolidatingtribal areas and defense against organized enemies. The judges led theIsraelites into battle and also served as reminders to the people to obey theword of God. It is needless to say then, that the judges were leaders of theIsraelites during desperate times. The main reason why a clear distinctionbetween personal relations and political authority during the period of thejudges was possible , was that there was no succession of judges. God chosejudges to lead Israel against its enemies only when they were in need ofleadership and guidance, and in doing so, there was no power struggle or fightfor the crown. There was no specific person next in line to lead theIsraelites, because the only thing important to them at that time was defendingthemselves against neighbor ing powers. It was of no concern to the Israeliteswho the leader was, as long as the leader was competent and effective. Anothercharacteristic of the judges rule that compensated for the separation ofpolitics and personal matters was the brevity of their leadership. Whereas amonarch would remain ruler of the land after conquest, the judges served only asa sort of temporary relief for the nation of Israel.After fulfilling theirassignment as leaders of the Israelites against their adversaries during timesof emergency, they would humble themselves before God and before the Israelites. It is clear that the judges possessed political authority over the Israelites,but rarely did they allow personal matters and relationships to interfere withgovernment. Only in the case of Samson did his personal relationships anddesires come in the way of political authority.There were twelve judges inall, but the Bible pays most of its attention to three of the twelve: Deborah,Gideon, and Samson. .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 , .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .postImageUrl , .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 , .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1:hover , .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1:visited , .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1:active { border:0!important; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1:active , .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1 .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4bd02a964d13e5076d0d56fc3c77dea1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: John Coltrane EssayDeborah, the only woman leader of the judges, won unquestioned respect. She commanded Barak, son of Abinoam, to battle Sisera, the commander of thearmy of King Jabin. Throughout the story of her triumph, not once was Deborahspersonal relations mentioned. It can be assumed then, that Deborah kept herpersonal relations separate from her political leadership, and was focused onone thing and one thing only the defeat of Jabin and the Canaanites. Forty years of peace ensued after Deborahs military victory, and thenthe people of Israel again began to fall into sin and were overcome once again,this time by the Midianites. God raised up Gideon to direct the people ofIsrael against the Midianites. Gideon defeated the Midianites, and in doing so,was offered an opportunity to be king. However, Gideon declined the opportunityto rule declaring I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. TheLord will rule over you (Judges 8:23). The lack of succession of judges isparallel to the separation of politics and personal relations. There wasevidently no power struggle among the Israelites, because even when offered thepower to rule, Gideon declined. There was no fight for succession of leadershipbecause there was no succession of leadership. The story of Samson can be seen as the transition from the period ofjudges to the period of the monarchy. Samson, although the most gifted of thejudges, had a tragic flaw; he was pitifully unable to control his lust for women. Samsons personal desire for women affected his ability to reason, and thushindered his ability to lead the people of Israel. With his great physicalstrength and hot temper, Samson single-handedly pushed back the Philistines more by accident than by intention. . He was eventually betrayed and ruined bya woman due to his boisterous wildness and careless encounter with Delilah. Godintended Samson for great things. Of all the judges, he was the only one to beannounced by an angel before he was born (Judges 13:3). He was givensupernatural abilities, and his life was specially devoted to God. However,despite all these advantages given to him at birth, his uncontrollable desirefor woman destroyed him. His personal relations destroyed his prospects ofbecoming a great leader among the Israelites. Samsons desire for womenoverpowered his desire to deliver the Israelites out of the hands of thePhilistines, and this led to his tragic downfall. The story of Samson vaguelyforeshadows the connection between politics and personal relations in the periodof the monarchs. It acts as a link joining a period when politics and personalrelations are clearly defined and separate, and a period when they areindistinct and inseparable. Nearing the end of the period of the judges, the Israelites began tonotice that virtually every other nation had a king, while Isarael was nothingmore than an alliance of scattered tribes . The rising power of the Philistinesand other imminent threats to Israelite security impelled the Israelites to askfor a king. A king offered two advantages: first, a king would provide centralgovernment, therefore providing unity and organization; and second, since a kingwould normally be succeeded by his sons, the nation did not have a crisis ofleadership every its leader became old. God despondently granted the wish ofHis people and gave them a king. Samuel anointed Saul as king of Israel, andthe people were satisfied. Military success went hand in hand with bringing thetribes together in one united country, but when the desire for succession of thecrown came into play, personal relations and government become one. Saul was successful as king of Israel until David proved to be a threatto the crown. After David defeated Goliath of the Philistines, the people sangaloud Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands (1 Samuel18:7). Saul thus became jealous of David, for he could not stand to be secondbest in a nation he calls his own. From that point thereafter, Sauls politicalauthority and leadership was no longer concentrated on the good of the nationand the welfare of his people, but rather he focused his efforts on keeping ajealous eye on David (1 Samuel 18:11), and David remained his enemy the restof his days (1 Samuel 18:29). Saul spent the rest of his days searching forDavid in attempts to kill him so that he may regain the respect of his people,and in doing so killed many innocent bystanders that got in his way. This rashoutrage of jealousy and personal hatred for David was critically associated withpolitics. While Saul could have directed his efforts toward the betterment o fIsrael, he was after personal benefit, and this led to his eventual collapse. .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 , .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .postImageUrl , .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 , .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921:hover , .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921:visited , .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921:active { border:0!important; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921:active , .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921 .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7f28a03022fc3e958953808921cb5921:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Is ethnography a suitable meth EssayDavid, having unconditional respect for Saul, spared his life twice, and thusallowed Saul to further pursue him. Saul eventually dies, however, and David ismade king over the house of Judah. Although Davids reign was better than that of Sauls, he too hadproblems. Ish-Bosheth is the threat to the throne this time, while Ish-Bosheths general Abner is a threat to him. Abner slept with Sauls concubine,therefore openly making a claim on the crown. In Davids time, women acted aspolitical symbols. Abners sleeping with Sauls concubine suggested that he hadhis eyes on becoming king himself. In pursuit of David, Abner killed thebrother of Joab, Davids general. As a result Joab had a personal vendettaagainst Abner and was after his life. When Ish-Bosheth was murdered, and it wasevident that David was going to become the next king, Joab murdered Abner. Itis not difficult to see that this soap opera of events is due to the fact thatpersonal relations and politics were interrelated. Either personal relationseffected a political change, or politics effected a change in personal relations. After David is crowned king of Israel, he had problems of the same nature. David, seeing the alluring Bathsheba, wanted her for his own immediately. Heblatantly disregarded the fact that she had a husband, Uriah, and took her forhis wife, having Uriah killed in the process. This corrupt use of politicalauthority demonstrates how political authority and personal relations are linked. Davids son, Absalom, also had his eyes on the throne. He led a conspiracyagainst his father by traveling all over Israel winning the favor of the people,and he also slept with his fathers concubines in public. Absalom publiclyslept with his fathers concubines for political reasons; it made clear hisclaim to the throne. Israelites who held back their allegiance thinking fatherand son would reconcile their differences, knew now that the breach waspermanent; they had to take a side. Again sexual potency and sexual relationsare acutely tied in with politics.David was ultimately confronted with thefact that he must capture or destroy his son Absalom. When he found out thathis soldiers killed Absalom, he mourned deeply. His love for his son collidedwith his effectiveness as a leader.David wept so excessively that itdemoralized the troops who had risked their lives for him and the nation ofIsrael. When Davids time was over, once again there was a power struggle forsuccession of the throne. This time it was between the sons of David, Adonijahand Solomon. Adonijah took initiative and set himself up as king, but Bathsheba,Davids favorite wife, and Nathan the prophet, pulled a few strings to secureSolomons claim of the crown. Due to the efforts of Bathsheba and Nathan,Solomon was crowned king. This pulling of strings demonstrates how personalrelations may engender lasting impacts on politics.If Bathseba had not beenDavids favorite wife, and Nathan had not been Davids trusted advisor, Adonijahmay have been crowned king of Israel instead of Solomon.Solomon also usedwomen to his advantage; he had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. Most of his wives were princesses of nearby tribes, so it can be inferred thathis marriages were politically motivated.He was married to Pharaohs daughter,and had an alliance with Pharaoh. The story of Solomons succession is ascomplicated and as involved with personal relations as his predecessors. As Israel developed from a confederation of tribes into a greatmonarchial power, a notable change took place. As the nation of Israel movedfrom the period of judges to the period of the monarchy, politics and politicalauthority became increasingly associated with personal matters and personalrelations. Personal relations began to affect politics and political authority,and in turn, politics affected personal relations. This change occurred becausethe characteristics of leadership changed. During the period of the judges,there was no succession of power, and because there was no succession of power,no one was fighting for it. The judges were sent to lead the Israelites intimes of need and emergency.Their leadership was only ephemeral, and thus notone of them were able to gain an exorbitant amount of political power. Whenthe period of the monarchy was firmly in place, however, there was a system ofsuccession of power. Even before the king muttered his last words, there werepeopleeagerl y waiting in line to take his place.And if that wasnt enough,people were plotting against the king in hopes of succeeding the throne, evenhis own sons. This feature of the period of the monarchy allowed for the mixingand intertwining of politics and personal relations. The use of women assymbols of power and dominance became abundant as kings challenged theprospective successors, and as prospective successors challenged the kings. Events took place that can be compared to episodes of TV soap operas or MelrosePlace. Politics and personal relations became interrelated, and above all else,the underlying reason was power. As people began to lust for power, for wealth,and for recognition, the association of the two became imminent, and theseparation of the two became impossible. Religion

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on The Message Of Russians

Patrick Smith Songs are powerful tools used by many people as a way to address certain issues. Sergei Prokofiev and Sting, used a song they titled, â€Å"Russians†, as a way to get the world to see that the Cold War was a useless war that must end. The arms race, lack of trust for political leaders, and peace are major issues covered in â€Å"Russians†. Throughout the years many advances in technology have make life on earth easier. On the other hand, the advances in technology have made life more difficult because weapons of mass destruction are being produced. In â€Å"Russians,† â€Å"Oppenheimer’s deadly toy† hints around about the government of Russia stocking weapons because they fear a war with the United States would happen in the future. The lack of trust for political leaders is still around today and it will likely be around in the future. The writers believed that political leaders had no common sense. They believed that common sense would end the Cold War because both sides would quit finding reasons to fight. On the other hand, the statement could mean that the Cold War was a war fought for no reason. World peace is a major goal that seems impossible. In Russians, the writers believed the Cold War was a war that no one will win. They probably felt this way because the war dragged over many years and little progress was made. World peace was also reiterated throughout the song’s chorus, which said the Russians love their children too. Although Russians may be an outdated song, many of the issues it covered are still present today. The writers of Russians, Sergei Prokofiev and Sting, used the song to relay the message that the Cold War was useless and it had to stop. In their song, the issues of the arms race, lack of trust for political leaders, and peace were strongly promoted. Although the Cold War is over, there are other â€Å"cold wars’ going on around the world. With the help of songs like ... Free Essays on The Message Of Russians Free Essays on The Message Of Russians Patrick Smith Songs are powerful tools used by many people as a way to address certain issues. Sergei Prokofiev and Sting, used a song they titled, â€Å"Russians†, as a way to get the world to see that the Cold War was a useless war that must end. The arms race, lack of trust for political leaders, and peace are major issues covered in â€Å"Russians†. Throughout the years many advances in technology have make life on earth easier. On the other hand, the advances in technology have made life more difficult because weapons of mass destruction are being produced. In â€Å"Russians,† â€Å"Oppenheimer’s deadly toy† hints around about the government of Russia stocking weapons because they fear a war with the United States would happen in the future. The lack of trust for political leaders is still around today and it will likely be around in the future. The writers believed that political leaders had no common sense. They believed that common sense would end the Cold War because both sides would quit finding reasons to fight. On the other hand, the statement could mean that the Cold War was a war fought for no reason. World peace is a major goal that seems impossible. In Russians, the writers believed the Cold War was a war that no one will win. They probably felt this way because the war dragged over many years and little progress was made. World peace was also reiterated throughout the song’s chorus, which said the Russians love their children too. Although Russians may be an outdated song, many of the issues it covered are still present today. The writers of Russians, Sergei Prokofiev and Sting, used the song to relay the message that the Cold War was useless and it had to stop. In their song, the issues of the arms race, lack of trust for political leaders, and peace were strongly promoted. Although the Cold War is over, there are other â€Å"cold wars’ going on around the world. With the help of songs like ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Anchoring script for student Orientation in university

1.List down Industry domains where Data warehousing technologies have been deployed? 2. List and define the OLAP operations. 3. What are the data integration challenges and how to cater them? OLAP Operations One of the most compelling front-end applications for OLAP is a PC spreadsheet program. Below is the list of some popular operations that are supported by the multidimensional spreadsheet applications. Roll-up Takes the current aggregation level of fact values and does a further aggregation on one or more of the dimensions. Equivalent to doing GROUP BY to this dimension by using attribute hierarchy. Decreases a number of dimensions removes row headers. SELECT [attribute list], SUM [attribute names] FROM [table list] WHERE [condition list] GROUP BY [grouping list]; Drill-down Opposite of roll-up. Summarizes data at a lower level of a dimension hierarchy, thereby viewing data in a more specialized level within a dimension. Increases a number of dimensions adds new headers Slice Performs a selection on one dimension of the given cube, resulting in a sub-cube. Reduces the dimensionality of the cubes.  Sets one or more dimensions to specific values and keeps a subset of dimensions for selected values. Dice  Define a sub-cube by performing a selection of one or more dimensions. Refers to range select condition on one dimension, or to select condition on  more than one dimension. Reduces the number of member values of one or more dimensions. Pivot (or rotate) Rotates the data axis to view the data from different perspectives. Groups data with different dimensions. Drill-across Accesses more than one fact table that is linked by common dimensions. Combines cubes that share one or more dimensions. Drill-through Drill down to the bottom level of a data cube down to its back-end relational tables. Cross-tab Spreadsheet style row/column aggregates.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Laser Triangulation for 3D Shape Estimation Essay

Laser Triangulation for 3D Shape Estimation - Essay Example Consequently, this case provides an in-depth critical and analytical overview of the processes followed in order to make the process a success. The areas to be accessed include the utilization of project planning and control methodologies, accounting structures, the efficiency of team building and application of formal management techniques in making the project productive. In the first phase of project planning, the team made use of Gantt chart to help in effective mapping out of the activities considered critical for the completion. In which case, the team considered Gantt chart useful in giving a chance for aligning important tasks, which could be carried out in parallel; and most of all aligning them sequentially. The tasks were aligned in order of their completion, with the first to be finished put as the first. In which case, the first task was Task analysis, meant to take one day, and the last was reporting, which was meant to go for almost half of the duration required to complete the project. Through the Gantt chart, the team was able to evaluate the trade off on the basis of scope, cost and timescales meant for the project. As the result, the team was able to manipulate the end date of each task and that of the overall project to suit the resource constraints. The group was efficient in controlling the resources used, through utilizing the three major aspects of a Gantt chart: predicted use of time, actual use of time, the deadline for submission. In this scenario, the team determined the activities which were deemed to be finished after the deadline; for instance, the team realized that they could not finish the final design in time to move on to the manufacturing state. Consequently, they had to apply proper management strategies to ensure that the slack time to be placed for the completion of the project did not interfere with the completion of subsequent activities.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Leading in a Changing World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Leading in a Changing World - Essay Example The theory holds that at least some activities are morally necessary irrespective of their magnitudes for human welfare (Isaacs, 2014, pp.96). In Teleological ethic, it is a theory of morals that originates duty responsibility from what is decent or necessary as a goal to be attained (Hurley, 2014, pp.225). In order for me to define the complex leadership ethics, I have chosen the leadership grid as my model for leadership in my industrial enterprise. A study done came up with four types of leaders; authoritarian, country club, improvised and team leader. In team leadership, study showed that they were high on tasks and high in relationship. The leaders govern by positive example and strive to raise a team environment so that every team member is able to reach his/her topmost potential, both as team fellows and as people. They inspire the group to reach objectives as efficiently as possible, while at the same time working hard to empower the links among the different members. Under a uthoritarian leadership, they were high on tasks and low on relationships. The leaders are more of task focused and are tough towards the workers. For country club leaders, they are more focused on team towards achieving set goals and use award power to ensure discipline. An impoverished leader is not committed to their work achievement or maintenance, and instead allows the team to do as they see fit. As a result, they are both low in task and relationship (Singh, 2009, pp.72). In 2007, Southwest airlines was involved in a scandal that involved the airline allowing 59 00 flights without carrying out adequate regulations and checkups as required by the Federal Aviation Administrations. On top of that, even after realizing their mistake, they allowed, 1 452 more flights. This violated the flight’s ethics and also endangered the lives to the general public.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Example for Free

A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay The most significant character in A Midsummer Night’s Dream is Puck who is quick-witted, fun-loving, lovely, humorous and mischievous. Puck also has an impulsive spirit, suggestive language and supernatural fancy. He appears to depict wild disparities, for instance, the unspoken evaluation of the elegant fairies and the coarse simple craftsmen. Puck is stylish, however, not as saccharine like fellow fairies. As a comedian, Puck displays some coarseness and thuds turns bottom into a fool just for enjoyment. Puck is charitable however he can perform nasty tricks. Despite the fact that majority of the elves are portrayed as ethereal and beautiful, Puck often appears as rather bizarre. One fairy states that Puck is regarded by some as some ‘hobgoblin’; this term connotes less glamour as compared to ‘fairy’. The arrogant weaver character, Nick Bottom’s comedy is amusingly overt. Being the key character within the sub-plot in which Thisbe and pyramids stories are produced by the craftsmen, Bottom controls fellow characters with some strange conviction in own capabilities as well as his humorous incompetence. Bottom regards himself as being ideal for each play part; however, he performs terribly and often makes grammatical and rhetorical speech mistakes. Bottom is humorous because he totally is not aware of his ridiculousness and hence his language is arrogant and. Such foolish pride climaxes following the transformation of Bottom’s skull into an ass’s. Following Titania’s falling in love with Bottom, Bottom Titania’s actions are not ordinary and that he deserves all this treatment. Bottom’s lack of awareness regarding the transformation of his head into an ass’s is similar to his failure to see the irrationality of the notion of Titania falling in love with him (http://www. sparknotes. com/shakespeare/msnd/themes. html). Helena the youthful woman madly smitten by Demetrius is probably the most prominent of the other actors apart from Bottom and Puck. Among Athenian devotees, Helena stands out as the individual who most considers love’s nature. This could be because as the play opens, Helena misses out on Hermia, Demetrius and Lysander’ love affair. She holds that Demetrius has some fantastic idea regarding Hermia’s prettiness that makes him not recognize Helena’s beauty. Although conscious of Demetrius’ shortcomings, and Being very faithful to him, Helena embarks on winning Demetrius’ love by informing him of Hermia and Lysander’s scheme to escape into the woods. Once inside the woods, the confusion brought in by the love portion bring out majority of Helena’s qualities. In comparison with fellow lovers, Helena is very uncertain regarding herself; she is overly concerned of her looks and she regards Lysander as scornful of her after he states that he loves her. The play removed audiences form the characters’ emotions so as to gain excitement form the afflictions and torments lovers go through. The play’s tone is very lighthearted to guarantee audiences that three will be some happy ending. Audiences may thus delight in the comedy and avoid being ensnared within the tension posed by uncertain eventualities. The subject of the complexity of love usually is analyzed through the concept of unbalanced love; romantic instances whereby an inequality or disparity obstructs harmonious relationships. A key example is the 4 youthful Athenians unbalanced love: Hermia and Lysander love each other; Helena adores Demetrius; plus Demetrius adores Hermia as opposed to Helena. This constitutes a basic numeric inequity, whereby 2 men adore a single woman thus one lady has excess lovers while the other has very few. The scheme is mainly geared towards internal equilibrium and thus a conventional happy conclusion will have been reached after the devotee’s tangle unravels into balanced pairings. Similarly, Oberon and Titania’s relationship signifies an imbalance since Oberon covets the Indian lad of Titania more that he loves Titania. Afterwards, Titania’s adoration of Bottom signifies some nature and appearance imbalance. Titania is graceful and beautiful, whereas Bottom is ugly and clumsy (http://www. sparknotes. com/shakespeare/msnd/themes. html). A Midsummer Night’s Dream employs magic to develop a strange world and also to exemplify love’s mystic power (signified by the love portion). Despite the fact that abuse of the supernatural leads to anarchy, like after Puck accidentally administers the love portion to the eyelids of Lysander, magic finally finishes the tension in the play by reinstating love’s balance among the 4 Athenian youngsters. Moreover, Puck’s ease of usage of magic to accomplish his desires, like in reshaping Bottom’s head into an ass’s and recreating Demetrius and Lysander’s voices, contrasts with the craftsmen’s gracefulness and laboriousness as they act their part. Dreams comprise a vital subject within A Midsummer Night’s Dream; the magical, bizarre events in the woods are related to dreams. Hyppolyta’s initial words signify dreams’ prevalence in the play; different other characters refer to dreams. Dreaming theme predominantly repeats itself when actors try to analyze bizarre occurrences that affect them. Bottom states that his inability to understand the supernatural occurrences affecting him is due to slumber. Shakespeare as well is concerned with dreams’ real workings; the occurrence of events with no explanation, lose of time’s usual flow sense, and the happening of the impractical. He attempts to reconstruct such an environment by fairy intervention within the magical woods. At the play’s conclusion, pluck broadens the dream theme to audiences, by informing them in case the play upsets them, they ought to bear in mind that this is nothing but some dream. Such an illusion sense plus delicate fragility proves vital to A Midsummer Night’s Dream’s atmosphere since it helps in making the play some fantastical encounter as opposed to heavy performance (http://www. sparknotes. com/shakespeare/msnd/themes. html). References SparkNotes: A midsummer night’s dream: themes, symbols, motifs. Retrieved June 2, 2009, from http://www. sparknotes. com/shakespeare/msnd/themes. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mexican Daily Life Essay -- essays research papers

Daily Life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are a variety of common courtesies that Americans should observe when in Mexico. Some of the important issues of cultural etiquette are described herein. When in Mexico Americans should refrain from calling themselves â€Å"Americans.† Mexicans consider themselves Americans too since the whole continent is called America. Another part of Mexican culture that may be shocking to American’s traveling there is the way machismo is verbalized by male members of Mexican society. Making sexual or derogatory remarks at women is a typical part of the culture and should not be seen as harassment. Wearing a wedding band and mentioning children usually will stop these types of comments. Attempting to speak Spanish even if your Spanish is not good is appreciated. When speaking in English slang and idioms should be avoided. Using broken English does not aid communication and can be seen as offensive. Many Mexicans speak English but many more read English. If possible, a written copy of what you are saying should be provided. Mexicans do not often say no because it is considered impolite. Consequently, it is important that you recognize this and look for other clues as to what the real answer is. If a Mexican says maybe it is a good indicator that the answer is definitely no. Asking for a yes or no response to a specific question repeatedly is tolerated but you must be patient because it will take a while before the real answer comes out. People stand much closer to each other in Mexico. It is considered unfriendly to back up when a Mexican approaches you in conversation. You must be aware of the tone of voice you use when in Mexico. Using a quick pace or a sharp or forceful tone will make you come across unfavorably. Eye contact is not as direct or long as in the United States. Mexicans are status conscientious so what you wear or what you drive makes a clear statement about who you are in society. When attending a social event you shou ld arrive 30 minutes late. Arriving earlier is considered rude. At small parties your host will introduce you. At large parties you may introduce yourself. When dining you should not sit until you are told where to sit and you should not eat until the hostess starts. It is polite to keep both of your hands visible while eating and to leave some food on your plate when finished. Only men are permitt... ...;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alcohol is used regularly in Mexico. The legal drinking age in Mexico is 18. There are responsible drinkers and alcoholics in Mexican society. Approximately 13% of the population has experienced alcohol dependency. Unfortunately incidents of alcoholism are rising. Alcohol is used disproportionatly by men because of Mexican gender roles which promote risky behavior for men and conservative behavior for women. Alcohol is permitted in both business and social settings. In business alcohol is most appropriate during lunch or diner meetings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mexican leisure activity is similar to that of the United States. Mexicans enjoy television, concerts, movies, picnics, shopping and sports. Soccer is the most popular sport. Businesses that provide picnic tables and soccer fields for use by employees on their lunch hour are viewed very positively by Mexicans. Fiestas, birthdays and traditional holidays are also enjoyed by all members of Mexican society. The types of leisure activities that Mexicans enjoy do not vary for the different income levels. Only the amount of time and money one can invest in these activities varies from one class to another.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alternative Method of Learning English

English oral was a difficult subject in secondary school. I felt nervous and embarrassed when I was speaking in English. I found no method to tackle the fear. In secondary 6, I joined an activity named â€Å"Interviewing Tourists†. We interviewed tourists asking where they were come from, what they felt about Hong Kong†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ The difference of speaking English in school and outside is that outdoor speaking provides more opportunities to talk. In school, we only had chance to speak in lessons.But most of the time the teacher was speaking. At the activity, we were forced to speak because foreigners may only understand English. Most of the time we felt more comfort when are talking to the local. Actually, we do not realize the common mistakes we made, like Chinglish. However, it is better to learn English from foreigners. They talked in the most natural, fluent way. That is why schools invite foreign teachers to teach speaking English. Teachers taught us the skills to deal with exams.But what we were talking to the tourists were something we seldom discussed such as cuisine and cultural. These were funny and I forgot what nervous is thought out the activity. In conclusion, I will keep practicing to improve my English. At this college, I found we have a lot of opportunities such as presenting projects and I will not hesitate to discuss the projects in English. I found there are some foreign students and I am going to make friends with them in order to speak more. Word count: 255

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Operating Procedure Essay

Introduction Hospitality management is being able to handle the relationship between guests and hosts. Also this is an act or practice of hospitability.It includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers,resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services for travelers and tourists. The Hotel and Restaurant Management Industry must have Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to guide them in their day to day business operation. An SOP is a document which describes the regularly recurring operations relevant to the quality of the investigation. The purpose of an SOP is to carry out the operations procedure correctly and to do transactions actions repeatedly in the same manner always. Moreover, an SOP manual should be available at the workplace at all times. This serves as a compulsory instruction and guide to every user. Deviations from this instructions should not be allowed and the conditions for these should be documented including who can give permission for this and what exactly the complete procedures will be. The original copy of the manual should rest at a secure place while working copies should be authenticated with stamps and with signatures of authorized persons represented by the company. These SOPs are detailed explanations of how a policy is to be implemented in the company. The main difference between an SOP and a policy are details. An effective SOP communicates who will perform the task, what materials are necessary, where the task will take place, when the task shall be performed,and how the person will execute the task. Aside from the different types of Standard Operating Procedures the manual provides,It should also give instructions for safety precautions in using equipment, laboratory instruments, machines and etc. Moreover, for safety and protection of the users (employees), SOP may be classified further to: 1.) Fundamental SOPs – these give instructions how to make SOPs of the other categories. 2.) Methodic SOPs – these describe a complete testing system or method of investigation.(this include SOP for safety precaution – standard  procedures for operating instruments, apparatus and other equipment; and SOP for analytical methods – preparation of reagents, receiving and registration of samples, for quality assurance and for achievingand how to deal with complaints). Safety and precautionary measures are integral partsin the foundation of building and including the food industry when it comes to food preparing, food cooking and food processing. Also, it should give safety and security in the management of people. It should identify hazardous activities, preventing it by means of doing everything that is needed. Our thesis study focuses on the standard operating procedures in the kitchen laboratories at Adamson University. These will help the university further improve its procedure for safety and security precautionary measures for the student users of the kitchen laboratory. Background The field of work and study of the profession of individuals management in hotels, restaurants, and other institutions are in the hospitality and tourism industry is known as hospitality management. Our thesis will study and comprise the field of hospital industry management of the standard operating procedure for safety and precautionary measures. Hospitality management industry has its own diversity such as when people go out to travel in different places, check in to hotels, hang out and eat at different restaurants, watch movie marathon at any cinema place, and relax at bars or music bars of differentplaces. Hospitality management deals more with the administration and supervision of the works and actions to know the different needs and adjustments in making and writing the SOPs in the different business places that require customer service and hospitality management.Furthermore, it needs a human power relating to the physical capacity of individual to handle such management. In our study, it will not only showcasethe safety and precautionary measures of kitchen laboratory hazards but also aim the enhancement of the living capacity of every involved person directly connected in the processing and operation of the laboratory kitchen of Adamson University. Some examples presented of the hazardous activities are accidents in the kitchen and in the usage of  kitchen equipment like cut from knives or slicer. It includes also the environment where it took place, it affects the carrying out of intervention like slip and falls on wet floor resulting to bruises or wounds. The measures of the safety and precaution of students and professors while in the kitchen laboratory should be observed at all times. Safety is a means of avoidance or prevention related to the engagement in accident or unwanted scenario. Safety must be taught as a way and part of the lives in the culture of business. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK This conceptual framework focuses on the assessment of the standard operating procedures in the kitchen laboratory of Adamson University Hospitality Management Departmentas perceived by Hospitality Management Students and Faculty members of Adamson University. The demographic profile of the respondents and the observation of equipment, tools, proper scheduling, receiving and returning of tools, proper storage of tools and equipment in stockrooms are the dependent variables. Using every questionnaire, the researchers were able to determine whether the standard operating procedures inside the kitchen laboratories of Adamson University had a big impact in terms of the safety of their students and professors. CONCEPTUAL PARADIGM Figure 1. Title? The figure shows the conceptual paradigm of this study based on the Input, Process and Output (I-P-O) mechanism. The Description in the input of the SOP presented the assessment of the Kitchen Laboratory of Adamson University Hospitality Management Department. In terms of profile of the respondents, factors to be considered in SOP are kitchen manual proper implementation, equipment usage, receiving and returning activities, and proper storage. The process and technique, on the other hand, comprised the distribution of questionnaire, carrying out surveys, and performing observations. In the final output, kitchen manual will be presented and suggested based on the questionnaire, survey and observation results.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Etiquette

Etiquette Rule #1- â€Å"Hey, baby!† is not the way to get our attention. Men have a tendency to try to attract a girl’s attention that they may find attractive while walking down the street. Whistling, cat calling, and all other forms or trying to get their attention, except to say a simple â€Å"hello†, is uncalled for and not appreciated. At all times should men remember, to make these comments is seen as rude, and are degrading to all women. Etiquette Rule #2- Please, women wearing short skirts, do not bend over. While short skirts are very cute, and look nice, the general public does not need to see your undergarments. If wearing a short skirt, instead of bending over to pick something up, slowly bend your knees and go down as if you were sitting. Or even, better yet, have someone else pick it up for you. It is generally not appreciated to be walking down a hallway and see ladies underwear. Not only is it uncomfortable for the people around you, but also shows a lack of respect for them as well as yourself. Etiquette Rule #3- Passing gas and burping is really not cute. Girl, or guy, burping and farting is really not the way to turn people on to you. To see a public display of these private bodily functions only makes you look like a child who does not know any better. It is seen as rude, and frankly, disgusting. If the time comes where you feel no matter what you do it is going to come out, politely excuse yourself from your company, let it pass and then return. No one likes to hear, smell or see these things. They should be kept to you, at all times. If it pops out, just apologize to everyone. Do not act as if it did not happened, because, well it did. Etiquette Rule #4-Teenagers and children should respect their elders. No matter how much you might dislike it, your elders are your elders. Whether the age difference is 5 years or 50 years, they have lived longer, and probably do know more tha... Free Essays on Etiquette Free Essays on Etiquette Etiquette Rule #1- â€Å"Hey, baby!† is not the way to get our attention. Men have a tendency to try to attract a girl’s attention that they may find attractive while walking down the street. Whistling, cat calling, and all other forms or trying to get their attention, except to say a simple â€Å"hello†, is uncalled for and not appreciated. At all times should men remember, to make these comments is seen as rude, and are degrading to all women. Etiquette Rule #2- Please, women wearing short skirts, do not bend over. While short skirts are very cute, and look nice, the general public does not need to see your undergarments. If wearing a short skirt, instead of bending over to pick something up, slowly bend your knees and go down as if you were sitting. Or even, better yet, have someone else pick it up for you. It is generally not appreciated to be walking down a hallway and see ladies underwear. Not only is it uncomfortable for the people around you, but also shows a lack of respect for them as well as yourself. Etiquette Rule #3- Passing gas and burping is really not cute. Girl, or guy, burping and farting is really not the way to turn people on to you. To see a public display of these private bodily functions only makes you look like a child who does not know any better. It is seen as rude, and frankly, disgusting. If the time comes where you feel no matter what you do it is going to come out, politely excuse yourself from your company, let it pass and then return. No one likes to hear, smell or see these things. They should be kept to you, at all times. If it pops out, just apologize to everyone. Do not act as if it did not happened, because, well it did. Etiquette Rule #4-Teenagers and children should respect their elders. No matter how much you might dislike it, your elders are your elders. Whether the age difference is 5 years or 50 years, they have lived longer, and probably do know more tha...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Company valuation is an art not a science Essay

Company valuation is an art not a science - Essay Example There are several rationales for mergers. Companies undertake M/A because of (a) synergy created by operating and financial economies, differential efficiency, or increased market power; (b) tax considerations; (c) purchase of assets below their replacement cost; and (d) diversification, not to mention possible managers’ personal incentives. For any of the four economic reasons mentioned, the M/A is successfully undertaken only if the resultant post-M/A firm attains a value greater than sum of the two separate firms (Brigham and House, 2004, p.796-798). A M/A is necessarily a sale or exchange, which means that the determination of company values is a requisite. There are various methods of valuation that may be undertaking for the purpose of M/A. These include assessing the target or merging companies’ book value, economic value, replacement value, and break-up value. The book value is the accounting value, that is, the net amount of the company’s total assets less total liabilities; the per-share value is arrived at by dividing this net amount by the number of common shares. As conveyed by its definition, the book value of a company is a straightforward valuation method based on historical transaction costs. The dividend-discount model, the most popular equity valuation method to determine the worth of the firm to the shareholders, is equal to the present value of all future cash dividends. This would prove useful to a company contemplating a financial merger that did not involve unifying operations. The target company is expected to conduct its business in the same way it has before the merger or acquisition, and the acquiring company expects to benefit in the nature of a majority stockholder (Helfert, 2003, pp. 390). The replacement or reproduction value is the amount that would be required to replace an existing fixed asset in kind. Replacement value is one

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Impact of Technology on Customers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Impact of Technology on Customers - Essay Example that investing a significant amount of money on new technology could cause severe losses for the organization if the relevant investment is not paid back within a particular period of time. Current paper focuses on the new technology that Macy’s introduced to its customers. This technology incorporates a wide range of advanced technological features, such as digital receipts and free Wi-Fi. The initial responses of the firm’s customers to this technology seem to be positive, at least as revealed through the reports developed in regard to this issue. In the near future, a more accurate view of the effectiveness of new technology introduced in Macy’s would be available. Taking into consideration the existing findings in regard to this project, as presented below, it could be noted that the particular initiatives have significantly supported the performance of the organization helping towards the improvement of its relationship with its customers. In Macy’s the introduction of new technology was considered as the most effective method for improving the relationship between the firm and its customers. The term ‘new technology’, as used in the case of Macy’s refers to a wide range of features of advanced technology and not to just one technology. In this way, it is expected that the firm will acquire an advantage towards its rivals, a target that has been achieved, as proved by the performance of the firm up to now. Currently, the firm’s stores have been estimated to 850, operating under the name of Macy’s and Bloomingdales (Business Wire 2011). The successful implementation of new technology in all the firm’s stores can be characterized as a challenging task, even if the capital availability of the organization is significant, taking into consideration the fact that in 2010 the sales of the firm reached the $25 billion (Business Wire 2011). ‘free Wi-Fi, digital receipts, cosmetics kiosks and computer tablets for product demonstrations and